å ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> com.intellij.openapi.vcs.intentions.SelectedBlockHistoryIntention ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> ]]> com.intellij IDEA CORE com.intellij.openapi.roots.ModuleRootManager com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.impl.legacyBridge.module.roots.ModuleRootComponentBridge com.intellij.facet.FacetManager com.intellij.workspaceModel.ide.impl.legacyBridge.facet.FacetManagerBridge > Allow IDE to use the \\wsl$\ paths to access the WSL filesystem using 9P protocol (available since Windows 10 update 1903). Prefer 9P FS access protocol even if direct access to WSL FS is available. Show UNC roots (\\wsl$\...) of available WSL distributions in the file chooser (available since Windows 10 update 1903). Run WSL commands using wsl.exe, e.g. "wsl.exe --distribution Ubuntu-20.04" (available since Windows 10 update 1903). Enable new inspection widget experiment . com.intellij.openapi.editor.actions.FlipCommaIntention messages.LangBundle intention.category.other com.intellij.openapi.editor.actions.lists.JoinLinesIntention messages.LangBundle intention.category.other com.intellij.openapi.editor.actions.lists.SplitLineIntention messages.LangBundle intention.category.other Integration with global menu in Linux Second Cmd/Ctrl+E switches to Recently Edited Files Use popups (instead of dialogs) for creating new items (files, classes, etc.) Use mixed list of results on All tab in Search Everywhere (instead of Files/Classes/Actions groups) PluginAdvertiserExtensions ActionMenuItemUpdateCollector ToolbarClicksCollector ShortcutsCollector StatisticsApplicationUsages UsageTrigger StatisticsApplicationUsages UsageTrigger ToolWindowCollector ToolWindowsCollector ShortcutsCollector ToolbarClicksCollector IntentionsCollector ActionsCollector FUSApplicationUsageTrigger EventLogWhitelist PhpLanguageFeatureUsagesStatistics LastSelectedPropertiesFileStore Vcs.Log.Big.Repositories ErrorReportConfigurable KnownExtensionsService FUSProjectUsageTrigger FUSProjectUsageTrigger com.intellij.ide.lightEdit.intentions.openInProject.LightEditOpenInProjectIntention messages.ApplicationBundle intention.category.light.edit.mode The Reader Mode is intended for comfortable code browsing rather than modification. It turns off warnings, show more inlay hints, enhance font presentation. ExtensionsRootType com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.impl.EditFoldingOptionsAction com.intellij.formatting.contextConfiguration.ConfigureCodeStyleOnSelectedFragment com.intellij.codeInsight.hints.AddToExcludeListCurrentMethodIntention com.intellij.codeInsight.hints.DisableCustomHintsOption com.intellij.codeInsight.hints.EnableCustomHintsOption com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.impl.QuickEditAction messages.LangBundle intention.category.language.injection com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.impl.ConvertRelativePathToAbsoluteIntentionAction messages.LangBundle intention.category.other com.intellij.codeInsight.intention.impl.ConvertAbsolutePathToRelativeIntentionAction messages.LangBundle intention.category.other com.intellij.ide.scratch.ScratchFromSelectionIntention messages.LangBundle intention.category.other com.intellij.psi.templateLanguages.ChooseTemplateDataLanguageIntention messages.LangBundle template.data.language.chooser.intention.title true A special viewer for large files. Opens automatically for text files with size more than 20Mb (default). com.jetbrains.gateway.LauncherExtensionsConfigurator clouds-docker-gatewayDr Dev Containers org.jetbrains.plugins.docker.gateway 243.21565.196 Remote Development JetBrains Use of Dev Containers

Adds support for Development Containers through the Gateway client for all JetBrains IDE backends.

  • Run applications
  • Run IDEs and tooling
  • Manage appropriate versions of libraries and dependencies
  • Configure the runtime required by a specific codebase and project, used in continuous integration and testing.
  • Onboard new people quickly
  • Utilize remote development capabilities, working with code on a server equipped with Docker and necessary hardware

Development containers provide fully functional, reproducible development environments along with an IDE. This saves a lot of time, especially during the onboarding of new employees to a project, by reducing the amount of documentation that they need to read about setting up a development environment. When using a Dev Container, developers do not need to figure out which dependencies are required.

When you connect to a Dev Container, your developer experience is the same as when working locally. A very fast and efficient Remote Development protocol ensures a smooth connection between the IDE server running inside the Dev Container and the lightweight local client.

How to configure a Dev Container

The devcontainer.json file in your project instructs the IDE how to create a development container with a predefined tool and runtime stack.

Put the devcontainer.json file in the project root or one directory deep:

  • .devcontainer.json
  • .devcontainer/devcontainer.json
  • .devcontainer/folder/devcontainer.json

How to build and run a Dev Container

See official documentation

Repository with Dev Container examples

  • When building a Dev Container from the IDE, a non-blocking UI is now used. This allows you to perform other useful tasks within the IDE while the Dev Container is being built, instead of waiting idly.
  • Now the IDE in devcontainers can run even if "ps" is not present in the container.
  • Created Dev Containers are now displayed in the Service View under the Docker node, making it easier to work with them and to separate them from other user containers.
  • With repeated cloning, confirmation for using the SSH key is no longer requested, allowing for fewer unnecessary clicks.
  • From the Dev Containers creation window, pressing F1 now opens the help documentation.
  • Improved URL handling when building a Dev Container through Clone Sources.
  • Improved the process of building Dev Containers located within the organization's perimeter behind a corporate proxy.
  • Enhanced support for the customizations section has been added. This section allows IDE settings to be stored and applied in the devcontainer. To add settings, it is recommended to configure them in the local IDE and then apply them in devcontainer.json using the gutter or action (with alt+enter). Currently, only a very limited number of settings are supported, but the list will be significantly expanded with updates.
  • Running on Alpine Linux is not yet supported, but we are working on it.
  • 2024.1
    • Support for Dev Container Templates has been added. In projects without Dev Containers, you can create a Dev Container configuration file via the project context menu {Project_Name}->New->.devcontainer.json using a template wizard suitable for various software development stacks. Additionally, if you create a Dev Container from a VCS project (git repository) through the IDE Welcome Screen or Gateway in the Dev Containers section and it lacks a Dev Container configuration file, the Dev Container configuration template wizard will be launched. This makes it easier to launch a Dev Container, even if you're doing it for the first time.
    • Code autocompletion and documentation have been added for Dev Container configuration files.
    • In the IDE Welcome Screen / Gateway, under the Dev Containers section, there is now the ability to create a Dev Container not only from a project in a remote git repository (VCS project) but also from a local project.
    • Тhe ability to automatically detect Dev Container configuration files in standard locations has been improved: '.devcontainer/devcontainer.json'; '.devcontainer.json'; '.devcontainer/folder/devcontainer.json' (where folder is a sub-folder, one level deep).
    • When creating a Dev Container from a remote repository (VCS project), the ability to Specify Path of the devcontainer.json file has been added, if it is not in the standard location. This allows placing the necessary devcontainer.json files in any folder of the project, creating the required workspace environments for different specialists when developing microservice applications or working in a monorepo, for example: /infra/devcontainer.json; /dotNetService/devcontainer.json; /kotlinService/devcontainer.json; /analytics/devcontainer.json.
    • The building of Dev Containers now operates more reliably and performs correctly in various environments, in different combinations (for example, aarch64 client and amd64 server).
    • If a repository contains multiple devcontainer.json files in standard locations, a choice will be offered to select which one to use to launch the workspace.
    • Support for the 'remoteUser' and 'waitFor' options has been added. The full list of supported options can be found at: IDEA-321768
    • Support for dynamic/static updating of options in the Dev Container.
    • Minimal support for 'customizations' has been added with the option to select an IDE for launching, for example: "jetbrains": {"backend": "IntelliJ"}.
    • General properties (besides otherPortAttributes, remoteUser, updateRemoteUserUID, userEnvProbe, customizations)
    • Build properties
    • Docker Compose
    • Lifecycle scripts (besides waitFor)
    • Port attributes (only label supported)
    • Minimum host requirements is not supported in this version
    • Variables in devcontainer.json
    ]]> ]]> messages.DockerGatewayBundle JSON com.intellij.clouds.docker.gateway.ideSettings.DevcontainerAddSettingsIntention messages.DockerGatewayBundle devcontainer.add.settings.intention.family.name true lib/clouds-docker-gateway.jarclouds-docker-impl[ã Docker Docker 243.21565.196 ]]>
    JetBrains Deployment Overview The Docker Plugin for JetBrains IDEs provides seamless integration with Docker, enabling developers to build, run, and manage Docker containers directly within their preferred JetBrains environment. This powerful plugin simplifies containerized application development, making it easier to deploy, test, and debug applications in Docker containers.

    Key Features

    To configure, open Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Docker.

    Documentation]]> messages.DockerBundle com.intellij.docker.image.DockerPullIntention true messages.DockerBundle docker.intention.category lib/clouds-docker-impl.jargateway-terminal com.jetbrains.gateway.terminal 243.21565.196 JetBrains Terminal for Gateway Internal plugin which allows gateway to show terminal to a remote machine.]]> com.jetbrains.gateway com.intellij.modules.ssh org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal lib/gateway-terminal.jarjson@é JSON com.intellij.modules.json 243.21565.196 JetBrains Languages JSON and JSON Schema languages]]> JSON com.intellij.json.intentions.JsonSortPropertiesIntention messages.JsonBundle json.intention.category.name JSON com.jetbrains.jsonSchema.impl.fixes.AddOptionalPropertiesIntention messages.JsonBundle json.intention.category.name lib/json.jarlib/json-split.jarplatform-ide-provisionerà com.intellij.platform.ide.provisioner 243.21565.196 IDE Services / Provisioner API JetBrains lib/platform-ide-provisioner.jarplatform-ijent-impl ‘ intellij.platform.ijent.impl 243.21565.196 Remote Execution Agent Deployment JetBrains lib/platform-ijent-impl.jar spaceportu com.jetbrains.spaceport 243.21565.196 CodeCanvas JetBrains CodeCanvas installation and run remote development environments in the CodeCanvas infrastructure. The environments are configured via templates, providing a standardized and reproducible setup for your projects.]]> JetBrains messages.SpaceportGatewayBundle ]]> messages.SpaceportBundle lib/spaceport.jarstation-plugin 9 com.jetbrains.station 243.21565.196 JetBrains Station Internal plugin which allows for cross-instance IDE communication.]]> com.intellij.modules.platform ]]> lib/station-plugin.jarterminalVt Terminal Other Tools org.jetbrains.plugins.terminal 243.21565.196 JetBrains Provides integrated terminal (View | Tool Windows | Terminal)]]> ]]> ]]> messages.TerminalBundle lib/terminal.jar