1CRM Enterprise Edition 8.6.12
This installation is exclusively licensed to DMCHS for a maximum of 5 active user(s).
This installation is exclusively licensed to DMCHS for a maximum of 5 active user(s).
Copyright © 2004-2025 1CRM Systems Corp. All Rights Reserved. View License Agreement.
Initially based on code from the SugarCRM Open Source Project
Copyright © 2004-2008 SugarCRM Inc. All Rights Reserved. View License Agreement.

Race Rocks Lighthouse, Victoria, BC
Contact Information:
Web: http://www.1crm.comSales: sales@1crm.com
Support: support@1crm.com
Phone: +1 778-432-2761
1CRM Developers:
Andrew WhiteheadAndrey Demenev
Alexander Ivanenko

We gratefully acknowledge the following source code contributions:
- Sugar Suite - By SugarCRM Inc.
- XTemplate - A template engine for PHP created by Barnabás Debreceni
- KLogger - Simple logging for PHP by Kenny Katzgrau and Dan Horrigan
- NuSOAP - A set of PHP classes that allow developers to create and consume web services created by NuSphere Corporation and Dietrich Ayala
- JS Calendar - A calendar for entering dates created by Mihai Bazon
- JSON.php - A PHP script to convert to and from JSON data format by Michal Migurski
- Smarty - A template engine for PHP
- CKEditor - The text editor for Internet, by CKSource
- FileManager - A web-based file browser for CKEditor, by Core Five Labs
- PHPMailer - The classic email sending library for PHP, maintained by Marcus Bointon
- HTTP_WebDAV_Server - A WebDAV Server Implementation in PHP
- sabre/dav - An open source CardDAV, CalDAV and WebDAV server
- TNEF Attachment Decoder plugin for SquirrelMail - created by Bernd Wiegmann
- TCPDF - A library for generating PDF documents - created by Nicola Asuni; based on FPDF by Olivier Plathey
- Forums dashlet extension - created by Ryuhei Uchida at CareBrains
- Quick Campaign - contributed by GROUPWARE, Inc
- JSMin+ - A javascript minifier based on Brendan Eich's Narcissus, by Tino Zijdel
- cssmin - A simple CSS minifier by Joe Scylla
- SoundPlayer2 - Javascript-driven sound player by Scott Schiller
- zxcvbn - A realistic password strength estimator from Dan Wheeler and Dropbox, Inc.
- Mobile Detect - A lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices
- Less.php - a PHP port of the LESS processor
- Includes icons from the Silk icon set by Mark James
- This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com.